駅からはやや離れていますが、ニコンミュージアムからは近いので合わせて立ち寄ることをおすすめします。8ミリ関連では、FUJICA P400 やAXM100の元箱付、CANON Single 8 518、チノンダイレクトサウンド(型番不明)、テープスプライサーなどがありました。値段が良心的です。
Used camera shop – Shinagawa edition
This time, it includes items other than old camera shops.
Nikon Museum
The museum is located at “Shinagawa Intercity Tower C”.
Admission is free. It is a very beautiful museum, and the exhibition of successive cameras is a masterpiece. Special exhibitions are also held, and “The History of Optical Glass” is currently being held. In the past, the “8mm camera development prototype” developed from the 1950s to the 1970s was on display.
The museum shop sells original goods, which makes Nikon fans very happy.
Matsuzakaya camera
The shop is located on the 4th floor of the tenant building.
It’s a little far from Shinagawa Station, but since the shop is close to the “Nikon Museum”, we recommend stopping by together.
When I visited, there were 8mm cameras such as FUJICA P400 and AXM100 with their original boxes, CANON Single 8 518, Chinon Direct Sound (model number unknown), and roll tape splicer.
The price is conscientious.