実験映画を観る会 VOL4~デジタルとフィルムの差異


『実験映画を観る会 VOL4』に参加しました。








Experimental Movie Watching Party VOL4 – Differences between Digital and Film

(Upper left photo: Nogawa near the meeting place “You can’t see the surface of the water, but it’s a river.”)
(Photo top right: Screen “The setting is different from usual, it’s kind of suspicious”)
(Bottom left photo: Post-screening talk “Mr. Hajime Kawaguchi and Mr. Yoichiro Serizawa”)
(Bottom right photo: Flyer “I look forward to the illustrations every time”)

I participated in “Experimental Movie Watching Party VOL4”.
This time, 10 programs by Hajime Kawaguchi and 8 programs by Yoichiro Serizawa will be screened.
After the screening, Ms. Reina Yokoe joined the three-person talk.

Through the works of Mr. Kawaguchi and Mr. Serizawa, the topic of discussion was
It was a very interesting comment about the difference between digital and film images.
There was no clear answer about the difference, but some people said that film images are better
I felt like there were a lot.
It was very fulfilling.

The next event, “VOL5,” is scheduled for Sunday, July 2, 2023.

