この作品は、先だって開催した『8ミリ復活祭』(2023年3月2日〜4日、ユーロスペース)の上映プログラムの作品『TURN POINT 10:40』(1979, 小中和哉監督)の制作過程をベースにしている。
『8ミリ復活祭』の時に気になっていたのが『タイム・リバース』(映画ではこのタイトルが使われている)では、FUJICA Single-8 ZX550 SOUNDを使用して逆転撮影を行なっており手法が謎だった。
Single8 ~ Mystery of Reverse Shooting
(8mm camera is FUJICA Single-8 AX100)
This movie is the production process of the movie “TURN POINT 10:40” (1979, directed by Kazuya Konaka) for the screening program of “8mm Easter Festival” (March 2-4, 2023, Eurospace) held earlier. is based on.
The story depicts the passion for movies, the struggles with friends, and the state of love through making a movie that was featured in the last school festival of high school. It’s a movie filled with a very warm atmosphere that makes you feel embarrassed and nostalgic about your school days.
At the time of “8mm Easter”, I was interested in “Time Reverse” (this title is used in the movie). was a mystery.
At that time, only the ZC1000 could shoot in reverse, so I was wondering how this scene was shot, but there was an explanation in the movie (I understood). In addition, there was even an explanation that it is necessary to adjust the focus when projecting when connecting forward rotation, forward rotation, and reverse rotation shooting scenes.
Other notable points include the production using “cine calligraphy”, compositing with spaceships, and scenes that go back in time. These are images that can be easily created with video editing today, but in the movie, various ideas were used. I make full use of it to shoot.
I hope that more people will be interested in 8mm after watching this movie.